INK'D Mobile App

Designed to help users research for their next tattoo.
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INK'D Mobile App

About the Project

INK’D is a (conceptual) mobile first service that helps potential clients in their search for a tattoo artist for their next, or first, tattoo. The service also features the ability to search for inspiration if they do not know exactly what they are looking for.

Project Duration:
JUNE 2021
My Role:
UX Research, UX/UIDesign, Branding, Prototyping, User Testing

The Problem

Many tattoo artists rely on word of mouth or social media in order to be found, and clients usually rely on those same methods to find a tattoo artist. There has to be a service to help both tattoo artists, and potential clients, connect.

Potential clients need a service that helps them discover new tattoo artists, no matter where they are located. They should be able to search artists by location, style, and specialties all in one place.

They should also be able to search for inspiration to help them decide on their next tattoo. For example, first timer’s do not understand the endless possibilities when it comes to body art. Being able to view previous work by artists from around the world will help them in the process to find an artist that fits their needs.

The Solution

In a world that's transitioning to 100% digital, I believe that creating an app with the ability for users to search for tattoo artists, and search for inspiration, will allow for a more tailored experience to find the best fit for their next tattoo. It will also benefit tattoo artists in advertising their work and expanding their clientele.

Design Process

Information Architecture
Interaction Design
Usability Testing & Iterations
Branding & User Interface
Next Steps