
Web and brand design for a kawaii, skater inspired artist
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About the Project

LoveHachi is a Kawaii brand inspired by Hawaiian life. The artists have a creative vision that they are trying to bring to life with influences from Sanrio’s Hello Kitty, kawaii culture, and skater culture. The brand and storyline are tailored toward an older audience and aim to help remind us to battle our demons in a cute yet dark way.

Project Duration:
JULY 2021
My Role:
UX Research, UX/UI Design, Branding, Web Design

The Problem

Lovehachi is in the early stages of creation and the artists have no idea where to begin in terms of starting their business. They originally created an e-commerce website through MailChimp, but rely on their social media accounts and word of mouth from friends and family to gain traction.

The storyline behind their characters are still in the works, which is an important piece in showing a potential customer why they would want to buy a plushie (or other products) and take it home.

The Solution

We think that re-branding the company, transferring the website to Shopify, and re-designing the information architecture will improve the customers overall experience and increase the conversion rate.

The objective is to transfer the brand from MailChimp to Shopify and re-design the website to scale and to better achieve their goal: to market and sell the artist’s products.

They will also work on diving deeper and writing out the full backstory of the characters to better engage the community.

Design Process

Branding & User Interface
Information Architecture
Web Design
Final Thoughts & Next Steps